Family Therapist
Transformational Speaker
New Release
Dare To Unlock The Door
A Journey to Freedom and Wholeness
It's been a long time coming, but the wait is finally over, Dare to Unlock the Door is my personal journey to freedom and wholeness. It took many years, and life events, the right people and an 'Act of God,' for me to finally enjoy what I have now, a life of promise and wholeness. In Dare to Unlock the Door, I take you through the steps I took, so that you can too. It's raw and uncut, but the truth is what is needed to experience lifetime change.
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The process to wholeness is a remarkable journey. Your life has indeed been a remarkable journey, and you have described the bumps and the pain in a way that enables us to follow what God was doing in your life with amazing clarity.
We were blessed to be a part of that journey. We pray that your story will help others who are experiencing similar bondage to find the way to a new life of victory.
Dr. John and Mrs. Ellenberger Professor Emeritus Alliance Theological Seminary, NY.
Praise & Reviews
Wow! Thank you for sharing such a personal journey with me and those who would dare to take this journey. This book will help many “Peel off the layers and the mask.”
Your writing style helps the reader embody the moment. I felt like I was there, and I began to re-create my own stories and scenes to perform surgery. Great chapter headings and reflections at the end.
This is too meaningful to be trampled on.
Thank you for allowing us into the delivery room of your experiences. May God breathe on it and take it further than you dreamed.
Dr. Morais Cassell
Behavioral Health Specialist
This book Is deeply moving. Brutally honest. Refreshing in exposing emotional and spiritual struggles. Powerful as it encourages the reader to become whole through faith, doing the work needed, and seeking God’s provision.
The bottom line is I found this to be a powerful story that derives its strength from exposing the painful experiences and lifelong struggles that were transformed with the love, grace, and provision of Almighty God. The eternal one worked through the battles with one who was willing to face and confront their giants.
Patrick Bryan
Janet’s story is the story of many who still live afraid to unlock the door of the closet.
This book is an excellent read that allows one to own their truth, to walk in their truth, and to share their truth so that others like themselves can become liberated from shame, guilt, and self-loathing.
The book is honest, candid and truly inspiring, encouraging the reader to be free to live in the abundant life that is promised.
Dr. Jennifer Christian-Scott Poet, Author of God Speaks.
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Saturday February 19th 2022 12pm EST.
The Dawn Francis Book Club Show
for a conversation with Janet
Tune in at https://ourtv.network